Friday, September 27, 2013

National Chocolate Milk Day!

At public schools, they REALLY push cow milk.   The posters of celebrities with cow milk mustaches, the "milk-time",  and of course it is THE drink at lunch.  Given a choice of white milk or chocolate milk, most kids choose the chocolate milk, which is also loaded with sugar. But both cow milks have growth hormones, preservatives, and are pasteurized and homogenized, (which is an unnecessary process that is actually even worse for the human body.)   Plus, did you know that some manufacturers bring back the unsold (white) milk from the grocery stores and mix in the chocolate/sugar to preserve it, then re-bottle and sell it as chocolate milk?  Ewww. Gross. If you want any educational reading (from DOCTORS) on why cow milk is not good for humans, click here, here, here, here, here, or just google....  I would say "Got Proof?"

Solution for our kids lunchbox:   Chocolate Almond Milk in single serve packages! (The brand pictured here is Blue Diamond Almond Breeze.)
We buy a lot of this and also keep it at Natural Selections, our retail boutique store in the drink cooler with the natural sodas and coconut water, because adults love it too! (I think it's a great treat/snack combo, and it even has protein! And have you tried it in coffee or tea? Fantastic!)

And if you are a TOTAL chocolate-lover, you will want to check out the 100% Pure Body Creme and Cosmetics made with real Chocolate!

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